Khamis, 28 Mei 2009


Today,Miss Dila discussed about some medical abbreviations and would gave another notes about that.Then,she gave us a task about the belief of other cultures or country in medicine.The task was also about the rights,duties and responsibilities of doctors in the cultures.Thus,the students were divided into four group,two group with six students and the other two with five students.My group consist of five.We were discussing the task and decided to choose chinese cultures or specifically acupuncture.After the class session was over,we were heading to the library to find out the information and also to confirm our title.Unfortunately,the information from the book we found was not enough.We were confussed and trying to search from the internet.Right now,we are still trying to find it out and i take a little time to write this blog.I wish we will find the solution and have a nice dream tonight.That`s all.Wassalam.

Isnin, 25 Mei 2009

first class in intec

Actually,this is the first time i'm blogging.I am really not used to this stuff and i am also schematic person.I think if i am not being force by Miss Dila,i will never have my own blog.So,i want to apologise to Miss Dila if she feel bored with my blog.Em,guess who is Miss Dila?She is the cute talkative person that will lecture english for pre-medical student.Ah,hopefully i can improve my bad communication skill from her.Here,i want to write about my first class with her.The class started about 8am with `taaruf' session from everybody in the class include Miss Dila.She was only 23 years old,so young.Some of my classmates are Qilah,Fatin, Farah, Fadli,Akma,Maha,Nazirah,Atikah and Asyraf.While the class representative is Abul.After that,Miss Dila explained about some assignments.At that time,i felt anxiety as i am not a good speaker especially in the front of people and i am also bad at using visual aids.But,this is the opportunity for me to learn it.So,i guess i will do my best.InsyaAllah...Then,we opened English for Health Sciences book and start pronounced the word from picture dictionary about surface anatomy,human skeleton,medical instuments and also nursing procedures.Of course,there were mistakes at pronounced them.That was then learning session,right?As it ended early,Miss Dila wanted us to tell about our advantages.Actually,she just want to made everyone speak as the class was quiet and she said that she could not stand with the situation.Then,the class was over and everyone spread out to their own destination...For the end,i hope Miss Dila can satisfied with this blog.Wassalam...